• Certified Company
    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001
  • Monday to Friday
    08:00 - 16:00


Address: 2 Cimitir Evreiesc Alley, Iaşi, Iaşi county, Romania
CUI: RO 27166219
Phone/Fax: +40 332 805 965
Mobile: +40 786 198 005
Email: office@armgrupferoviar.ro

The armgrupferoviar.ro website owned by S.C. ARM GRUP FEROVIAR S.R.L., headquartered in Romania, 2 Cimitir Evreiesc Alley, Iasi, Iasi county, registered at the Trade Register with no. J22 / 966/2010 and identified by the unique registration code RO 27166219 reserves the right to use device identifiers or cookies when you visit our website.

They are used in order to identify and differentiate users who access our website. Their role is to monitor the experience of using the site in order to improve its quality.


Cookies are small files placed on the devices you use to access web pages. Own cookies come from the settings of the domains visited at that time, and third parties come from other domains that represent the services used by the domain visited.

Cookies are unique, but this does not mean that the statistics established regarding the use of the site are related to individuals. However, although they do not retain personal data such as the name or data entered in the forms by the users of the armgrupferoviar.ro site, their differentiation is still done through a unique ID which thus becomes personal data.


Cookies can be used for various purposes such as the proper functioning of the web page visited, the collection of relevant information regarding the user experience on the site or to offer users the opportunity to use third party services, such as social networks.


armgrupferoviar.ro may use the necessary cookies, which are active automatically and are not conditioned by the consent of its users. This category includes cookies that have the ability to retain the action of connecting to the site of users and those that have the role of ensuring the proper functioning of the website.


armgrupferoviar.ro may use analysis cookies in order to collect information on how users of our website interact with it. This data collected helps us to retain, analyze and improve various factors important to the browsing experience of our site users.

These allow us to monitor the popularity of the pages within our website, the efficiency of the methods of connecting to them and any error messages that may be transmitted to users when accessing the web pages. With the help of these cookies, armgrupferoviar.ro offers its visitors an experience of quality use of the site.


armgrupferoviar.ro may also use plugins of social networks such as Facebook that place social media cookies that allow the playback of content and the use of third party services provided by them.

They can also be used to give our users the opportunity to appreciate or share their favorite pages, services and products through their favorite social service.


Various cookies can be used by armgrupferoviar.ro to achieve the advertising purposes that are the basis of the online industry at this time.

Personalizing online advertising is a form of self-financing for any company offering services and products as this process helps to identify relevant audience categories for the range of products and services made available to customers.

This process can be done by selecting specific categories of visitors to display various ads or by other means depending on the purpose to be achieved. No personal data is processed in this way but the profile of visitors thus created is based on data collected using such advertising profiling cookies.


armgrupferoviar.ro uses both its own cookies and those from third parties to provide you with a quality site browsing experience and to provide you with services tailored to your interests and needs as visitors to our webpage.

The cookies used by our site are intended to ensure its proper functioning and to collect important statistical data relating to site traffic.
Examples of cookies used by armgrupferoviar.ro:



_ utma Google Analytics This cookie is used to differentiate between users and sessions. It is updated whenever data is sent through Google Analytics. 2 years
_utmb Google Analytics This cookie is used to identify new sessions or visits. It is updated whenever data is sent through Google Analytics. 30 min. since the update
_utmc Google Analytics This cookie works with _utmb to identify new sessions or visits. until the browser closes
_utmt Google Analytics This cookie is used to control access rate. 10 min.
_utmz Google Analytics This cookie is used to store the source of traffic that explains how the user reached that page. It is updated whenever data is sent through Google Analytics. 6 months since the update
_ga Google Analytics This cookie is used to differentiate users. It is updated whenever data is sent through Google Analytics. 2 years
_gat_gtag_UA_91078337_2 Google Analytics This cookie collects information about how users use the web page. 1 min.
_gid Google Analytics This cookie is used to differentiate users. It is updated whenever data is sent through Google Analytics. 24 hours
_atuvc Analytics Provider This cookie is created by the AddThis social sharing widget that allows visitors to share content across a wide range of networking and sharing platforms. 2 years
_ atuvs Analytics Provider This cookie is created by the AddThis social sharing widget that allows visitors to share content across a wide range of networking and sharing platforms. 2 years
PHPSESSID PHP applications This cookie is used to store certain information such as a message sent when a form is completed to be displayed on another page. Expires when the browser closes.

For complete information on cookies, you can visit www.allaboutcookies.org.


Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google. Cookies such as those used by armgrupferoviar.ro are used by this service to analyze how site visitors use it. The information collected is used by Google to prepare reports on the user experience with web pages as well as to provide other services related to the activity of the website.

Detailed information about Google Analytics and your personal data protection policy, including how users of our website may control the information you submit to Google, can be found by accessing the following link: https://policies.google.com/privacy/partners.


As a visitor to the armgrupferoviar.ro site, you have the possibility to withdraw your consent regarding the cookies used by our site at any time. This can be done both through the settings of the web browser used and through the use of software services provided by third parties.

You can remove cookies stored on the devices you use to access our website by configuring your browser to stop displaying these files. You can also use browser-specific settings to define your preferences for these cookies.

For more information on how you can use these settings for each browser, you can access the following useful links:

If you no longer wish to be considered as a visitor profile by Google Analytics, please access this unsubscribe link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

If you no longer wish to be considered by Google for ad profiling purposes, please access this unsubscribe link: https://www.google.com/settings/ads.

You may opt out of these services without affecting the way you visit our website.


armgrupferoviar.ro uses cookie technology in order to offer you better web services and adapt to your needs as online users. The data stored by the cookies we use does not reveal personal details on the basis of which an individual identity could be established. Instead, these small files are meant to make your interaction with our site faster and more secure.

S.C. ARM GRUP FEROVIAR S.R.L. reserves the right to update this policy on the use of cookies within the armgrupferoviar.ro website whenever necessary. Visitors to our site will be notified of changes made by posting the latest version of this policy on the site. We recommend that you periodically review this cookie usage policy to be aware of any changes made.